7 Fundamental Business Questions

  1. Why does your business exist?  This question reveals your true purpose.  It is the most powerful question, and all other questions revolve around this nucleus. Go beyond just products and profits in expressing your purpose.  What is your company’s unique value contribution to the world?
  2. Which business are you really in?  This question implies a choice among alternatives.  Choosing wisely depends on the linkage

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Business Intelligence Quiz

Revenues and Profitability

  • I can identify the products, services, and channels driving my revenue and profit.
  • I can rank customers and customer locations by profitability.
  • I am automatically alerted when critical costs, such as non-billable overtime rates, fall out of control.
  • I know when my sales reps/managers are on target, and I can intervene in time to make a difference.

Customer Relationship Management

  • I can identify low-value customers and try to

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